Get ready to (re)start running this autumn

We’re delighted to announce TWO running courses for this autumn.

When: Starting October 14
Where: Brighton and Hove

Beginners Course
Our Beginners Course is designed for those wanting to run and starting from the beginning, or those who have run but some time ago.

Running with a group can gave give you motivation, it’s social, meet new people with a common goal, have fun, and get out in the open air.

You may also visit parts of Brighton & Hove you have not been to before. The course follows an approved training plan (England Athletics), which has been used by our club for many years with great success.

The 10 week course costs £35.00.

Please register for the first session even if you cannot attend, so we can process the payment.

Register today

We look forward to meeting and running with you.

Return to Run
Our Return to Run is a walk/run programme designed to ease runners back into running after a break.

If you haven’t been running recently but want a friendly and supportive course to help you get back and enjoying running, this course is for you!